This inclined plane was suppressed later on, for the sake of symmetry; horses may die of thirst, but the eye is gratified. 为了整齐对称,这个斜坡后来被整修不存在了。马儿渴得要死,但人的眼睛是舒适了。
The lamellae ( 10) have a resin body and a recess ( 13) in the inner surface ( 12), in the plane of symmetry. 薄板(10)在内表面(12)有一个树脂体和一个凹槽(13),位于对称平面内。
A half of a symmetrical, approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry. Old World snipe larger and darker than the whole snipe. 半球体一个对称的、近似球体的物体的一半,如被对称面分开者东半球沙锥鸟,体大、色深。
In the study of the second leading edge problem, the displacement effect of vortex sheet from the plane of symmetry is taken into account and thereby the difficulty of overlapping vortex sheet and the lifting surface is overcome. 对于第二前缘问题,考虑了涡面离开流动对称面的位移影响,并由此克服了涡面和物面重叠带来的困难。
By means of theory of point and linear, combining with the relating of the coordinate of the two symmetric points in a plane, we discuss the relation between the character of binary or three variables algebraic equation and the symmetry of the corresponding curve or surface. 利用关于点、直线、平面的两个对称点的坐标之间的关系,讨论二元和三元代数方程具有什么样的特征,其对应的曲线或曲面才具有对称性。
By using an extremely slow rate of Si ( 111) plane etching in anisotropic KOH, along with DRIE and other MEMS processes, the dimension of these beams can be accurately controlled, and the symmetry of the 8-beams/ mass structure can be achieved. 这些悬臂梁是利用(111)硅在KOH溶液中的各向异性腐蚀特性结合深反应离子刻蚀(DRIE)实现的,其尺度精确可控,保证了结构的对称性。
Aberration Theory for the Focusing of a Wide Electron Beam Having Curvilinear Optical Axis in an Electrostatic Field With a Plane of Symmetry 面对称静电场中曲轴宽电子束聚焦的象差理论
The use of computer in the design of plane construction, especially of the mechanical deformation and general symmetry, is stated in this paper. 该文叙述了如何应用计算机进行平面构成设计,着重说明了机械变形及广义对称。
The measurements of RCS is restricted to the targets with at least one plane of symmetry and to H plane pattern. 装置可用以测量至少有一个对称平面目标的H面复RCS。
It is known that the projection of the intersection of quadrics with common plane of symmetry on this plane is a curve of second order. 具有公共对称平面的二次曲面的交线在该平面上的投影为二次曲线。
At the plane of symmetry, the vertical displacements increase with the depth's increasing in the earth outside the frozen wall while decrease inside. 对称面处,冻结壁以上和以下的地层中竖向位移随深度增加而增大,而在冻结壁范围内随深度增加而减小。